This has been quite a year so far.We have had a long and I do mean long bout of rain so many things have been delayed in their normal growth cycle. The weather has been the biggest influence in my usual garden duties. One of my duties was to get blogging about my class offerings
I am so excited to announce I will be teaching 3 classes at Art & Soul in Portland this September.
As you can see I love leaves and my first class offering is Luminous Leaves. This is a unique way to make an organic casting of leaves, after we create and fire them in Fine silver, day 2 will be adding enamel to envelope the leaves with rich color. I have been enameling for around 15 years and I love the magic that happens when you add fire and powdered enamel on precious metal.
stay tuned for more pictures and news and check out the classes at Art & Soul it is an experience not to be missed and welcome to my garden