Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Singing Crystal Heart

Tonight in my conversations with the Faerie Emerald from I Misty Valley I received the following download.

Sunday February 14  celebration night of the  faerie heart. I have been tasked with a mission of deep and unending love
 I have been informed that the chocolate industry, diamond retailers or Hallmark did not invent this celebration of our heart  but merely tapped into a secret practice where the Fae were busy  spreading loving blessings on those who unselfishly taking care of Mother Earth and her inhabitants  as a matter of fact and with out thoughts of reward or recognition. 

Since ancient times there has always been a gathering of Faeries on this this night, a night of spreading love and uplifting anyone and everyone's heart with love from the Great Mother. 

It is the night to take a few moments and tune in deeply to the divine feminine source of life. 
There is an unending supply of this love and as you open to receive it  we ask that you also open all of your chakra points for it to flow out of and into the world from you. 

For as you do this not only are you cleansed and uplifted but it increases the love energy in our personal world.. And as well blesses and changes the negative into the positive. 

I have been asked to create this love altar and keep it in place till February's last day
And as well  request that any who desire send me a message or respond on this post to place names of  yourself and loved ones in the crystal heart. 

This is for extra love  blessings from the Fae in deep thanks and gratitude for our honoring and caring for the earth and all our relations at this special time in the winter season. This special energy is was is called forth to stir, shake and spark the new life coming forth  this spring. 

So if you desire Please send me your name and names of those you love and care about to place inside the crystal heart. If you feel shy send me a message. 

Let's fill that heart and spread some more of those lovely sparkles out into the world. Love love love you❤️peg faerie crowmother❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💝

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