Sunday, May 10, 2015

Unexpected lessons

A little  Mother’s Day tribute to unexpected lessons in mothering.
I don’t like mother’s day my life was not hallmark approved no matter how hard I tried to make it so.
So at a young age I picked myself up learned a trade and left to discover the world. It has been quite a ride and along my way I have encountered some wonderful women who taught me many many things.

 I awoke this morning with three who are embedded deeply in my heart and gave me unconditional friendship and encouragement as well as laughing till you wet your pants fun. I met them all because of art .We connected in painting classes and became an odd foursome with super powers meeting each Tuesday for about 10 years
 They were all in their 70’s and I in my late 30’s. 

Alice began her artful pursuits a 60 after her husband’s death including learning to drive, becoming a metalsmith and lapidary as well as creating from ground zero 200 porcelain dolls in every conceivable form.

Tony not only raised her own 5 kids but fostered many others while creating thousands of miniature figurines to sell each week at the local swap meet so she could continue to help neighbor kids in need.

Ruthie was such a gentle soul with a wicked sense of humor. She held a full time job for 40 years and quietly helped bolster everyone around her encouraging helping and loving unconditionally everyone she encountered. All of these women were pioneers and took on tasked “women weren’t welcome”.
One played poker in downtown Seattle card rooms and made enough money each week to feed her family during the great depression. One helped dear Japanese secret friends during World War 2 and traveled to Puyallup internment camps to bring much needed unavailable supplies that could be smuggled thru the fence.
 They were adventures and willing to go on Peg adventures when I was possessed by one of my “Wild hairs”. We once drove to Canada on a day trip to check out a bead store & handmade paper store. Left early morning car supplied with thermoses of hot coffee and fresh muffins spending the next 10 hours having fascinating  conversations and learning about the amazing lives of these 3 women. As well a flash and dash of artful shopping.
 They became family and patrons of my art. They pitched in to help me buy a kiln which was entirely out of my budget at the time. One even gave me her enameling kiln when she was preparing to pass on. We learned to fuse glass, create with seed beads, and create in precious metals, watercolor, torch enamel and more. They encouraged me on days I could not get past my lack of self worth. Then cheered me on gave advice in ways that helped me grow, they laughed about sex and how important is it to be yourself at all costs.
 I mourned each of their deaths and yet knew they are always in my heart and part of my soul. But today I thank them for added the mothering I so needed as well as the lovely glow of friendship and love of creative work between friends.