At last I am getting back to finishing up the journey of the Stools. The last time I blogged about them I was trying to be orderly and speak about each stool and the journey int my life, then I came upon CindyBowers and was stopped in my tracks. Cindy had the great idea to begin this artistic endeavor on a grand scale and gathered us all together in January '03 Not everyone invited stayed to go on but it was a stellar group and I often wonder what I was doing with such a fab group. But I stumbled along and grew in confidence as well as in creating on the edge.
Cindy died very suddenly during the first few months of the project. It was decided her stool would continue thru the project and bring a special energy to us all. When it was your turn to work on Cindy's stool you would have 2 stools together. And I found when it was my turn the energy was quite insistant to get going and not put off creating until tomorrow.
Share your Dream is the title of Cindy's Stool and it was created on a old piano stool complete with claw feet on glass balls. This stool was loving embellished and caresses with feathers a tiny merry go round,wee faces and crowned with a delightful fairy created by Tracy Stanley
. I am very sorry I did not get the time to know Cindy but very glad to be a part of her final project.

And finally My stool Sea Dreams the Mermaid Spot. My stool began with a low back of wrought iron curved legs and a soft green color. I happened to have some soft textured yarns which reminded me of seaweed which I added to the stool back flowing off like seawater. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the direction my stool traveled in. I began wondering how it it look then completely forgot about it until the reveal. I was surprised to learn I was more concerned how excited the rest of the group would be when they saw their stools. I was amazed at the confidence that grew with each stool as I caught the essence of creation surrounding each project and set aside my inner critic and simply created. I struggle with inner demons of "not good enough " "who do you think you are " and more. But I was able to banish them for the current of inspiration was so strong and loud there was not room for doubt.
I was totally humbled by the beauty of the mermaid created by Sandra Jaechs, and the netted base created by Nancy Strahle, the treasure chest spilling out pearls and lovely glittering gem created by Kathy Dannerbeck, the beaded shells and Jelly fish by Tracy Stanley & Janice Berkebile. Lovely vines winding in and out and fabric fish and sensuous seaweed floating from the Mermaids perch by Joey Meyer and Sandy Avenell.

This was the wee stool in our project. It can from the Pottery Barn made out of wrought iron and just right to set on a counter top and perhaps hold a small cookbook or recipe card. It was the smallest stool in the project and Janice stared it off with a WONDERFUL BEADED VINE. But the fun part actually came from the journal she choose to accompany her stool during the project. In this black book a small boy had signed his name or perhaps a lovelorn teen. Any way He be came the hero of the story surrounding the Stool. William was a Dragonfly wrangler, rounds them up and polishes their wings and sends them on their way. He is a 4th generation Dragonfly wrangler and has very long legs. included for the stool was a beautiful cushion beaded with a dragonfly. A small leather bag with his bib & tucker for long nights around a campfire. complete with silver dinner plate a acorn silver cup for special occasions with the fairy folk, spoon & fork fresh napkin and daily cup for hot soup. He has a special companion to travel with and a table lamp for those cozy winter nights when he is tucked in waiting for the summer herds. This was a favorite of mine and I was so fun to see how it had grown and developed during the journey of creation.

Sandy,s Secret Garden
Sandy,s Secret Garden
Began as a soft pastel wooden stool with a soft green seat and a vine curling up the sky blue leg. Please turn your head side ways to see vines and flowers progressing in this garden. You can see a bit of the foofoolaDo
vine just beginning to open. A bird house wreathed in vines crowned the top while dragonflies frolicked between the rungs, dancing in and out of exotic beaded flowers. The book the secret garden was Sandy,s favorite as a child and now she has a peaceful and exotic world to view each day Joey created the most wonderful bird feeder from coiled wire and seed beads that looked so much like food it fooled the birds at her home when she was creating it. Sigh... a lovely place to linger.
I was totally humbled by the beauty of the mermaid created by Sandra Jaechs, and the netted base created by Nancy Strahle, the treasure chest spilling out pearls and lovely glittering gem created by Kathy Dannerbeck, the beaded shells and Jelly fish by Tracy Stanley & Janice Berkebile. Lovely vines winding in and out and fabric fish and sensuous seaweed floating from the Mermaids perch by Joey Meyer and Sandy Avenell.
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