Hello Wild Hair Studio readers! My name is Gwen and I'm working with Peg now to build up her brand as an artist, expand her online presence and allow her more time in the studio to create. Today, I'm writing to you about what she's been doing in the 4 Arts Desire shop on Etsy.
The other fun items Peg has posted are Vintage Tribal adornments, costume pieces, wall hangings, and purses. She and I have been belly dancing for 15 years. About 6 or 7 years ago we discovered the world of Tribal Belly Dance. Wow. What fun we've had dancing. And then, we discovered the vintage pieces from tribes in India, Afganistan, and other places. While it must have been a difficult choice to sell for the owner of piece, knowing that the money spent is helping someone else survive is uplifting and inspring. In addition to the joys of technology, it's amazing to see throug the power of personal connections and subjects of interest just how small and connected our world is.I will be posting more tribal pieces for Peg over the next week. So keep your eye on the store (or sign up for the RSS feed).
I will also be posting some of her gorgeous, goes-with-every-outfit earrings. I've been fortunate enough to be the tester for many of her new designs. I give her feedback on the look, feel, and impact that each item holds for me and the people who observe me wearing things. Today, I find that 75 - 90% of my jewelry box is made up of wearable art that I've purchased from her over the years. They are first and foremost gorgeous and the perfect augmentation to practically all my outfits from the subtle, corporate types to wild and crazy ones. Her creations are also classy, funky, very comfortable, and extremely well designed (i.e. durable, which to me is very important because I'm rough on things I wear).
And now, without further ado - here is a taste of what you'll find in the 4 Arts Desire store today.
Etsy 4ArtsDesire |
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