June inspirations started with the explosion of plant life in
the garden. The weather cannot decide if it should be hot or cool, Rain squalls
have played tag with a day or two of summer-like
heat, meanwhile rain batters the
Moss has really taken hold and I find it fascinating to see all
the different varieties in my garden. Using the moss as inspiration I created
texture plate from moss I found in the rainforest of the Olympic Peninsula. It has a zigzag
shape and that is what I used to create this tiny kimono in copper. I added the
full moon in the background of white glitter paper on a background of felted
velvet and red wool .
The tiny butterfly came
from my Susan Clarke Button collection and there is a tiny star caught up on
the bottom of the dress. The twig is from my contorted hazel shrub and I added
a wee pink pearl flower I hand wired in place.
I searched far and wide through my stash for just the right word to
finish off my piece for Marilynn and after many distractions (ohhh shiny
things, hmmm I forgot I had this….) I found Summer!
Perhaps it will appear now???