Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tell me that you love me Junie Moon

June Mead Moon 

A Super moon  with plenty of hype but alas my friends what it brought to the Pacific NW was jaw dropping rain squalls. Saturday was glorious Sunny  Hot and the bees were buzzing and the hummingbirds humming.(cause they forgot the words don'tcha know). I was busy drying rose petals and lavender ans anything else from the garden thank agreed to become part of my blessing jar.
 I even went to the local nursery to find a princess vine and was feeling a bit whooshy strolling along. But I bought my plant returned to my car and saw the temp gauge, my car registered 105 and when I got home the gauge registered 95. So excited couldn't wait to see the moon,should be great clear sky...... move ahead to 8 pm Cloud cover and humid, decided to place all my flowers into the back of my car for safekeeping over night in case the nocturnal critters  decided to have their own Summer Solstice celebration.
 As luck would have it  it was the clouds who decided to party and left evidence of large puddles behind to let me know a good time was had by all those of the cloud people.
 Sunday remained a bit dim  ( I think the cloud people had hangovers) and as it was getting dark the surprising downpours started again.  So I have been dreaming about what a cool moon it  must have been as I fluff the drying flower petals in the back of my car.

It is my pleasure to upload everyone's delight little altar projects for the month of JUNE.
 You my fellow artist's ROCK!!

Enjoy and please leave a comment or three it is really nice to get feedback
Bright Blessings 


  1. I LOVE this picture and bead. The metal work behind it is so pretty! I'm sorry you missed the moon! We were in Dallas and it was amazing. Have a great day and thanks again for everything you do for us.

  2. Such a beautiful and flowery retelling of the last few days. I LOVE it! :)
