Thursday, March 28, 2013

Storm MOON 7

This month I tried to plan my alter based on my Roller Jam Skating inspiration. Check out my blog for a video of some similar skaters and a more detailed recount of this month's Alter creation. But, no matter how hard I tried, roller inspiration would not get off the ground. After encouragement from my Mom (we were having an art day and working independently on our alter projects), I started to just play and draw some shrinky dinks like I'd done with my hand-carved skeleton stamps last October. Voila - between that and a piece of paper I'd slapped some alcohol ink sprays on, my Parisian Dream was born. No where close to what I envisioned I'd start with, but I'm happier than I could have ever imagined. I love how things always work out for the best.



  1. Oh how I adore this piece!! The magical night sky so rich with color and wonder! The moon, the stars how fun to travel through this magical world in a delightful balloon! The pup? Perfection!! Thank you! Thank you! Hugs, Cyn

  2. Love the colors and Paris! Funny how sometimes we think we want one thing and another comes to fruition. It's a common thread for all of us. Beautiful! I must try shrinky dink before the end of the project

  3. I love the dreamlike feeling of this piece. Makes me want to shrink down and take a walk here.
