Oh, what another
meandering installment!
I was first inspired more than a month ago with Kathy’s prompt
of Spot H – what does H mean? I settled on Harvest. Started to
think of fruits, vegetables, and the recipes I was using for plums, pears,
apples, tomatoes. I almost posted in spot H a great recipe for a Rustic Plum
Cake, but you wouldn’t have been able to read it, and only Beth would get it
I thought of an illuminated letter H, but realized that my
flourishing skills (as well as picturing skills) would not be adequate. I
was also inspired by a teeny, tiny piece of flotsam on the living room
floor. It was riding on a small, dried, brown maple seed that had been
tracked in, and it was a little piece of very shiny, coppery-red tinsel.
It took me SEVERAL days to realize it was from a cat toy! But in the
meantime, I had decided that the color and the shine needed to be part of the
(as it turned out, not-to-be) illuminated letter, so I purchased some copper
acrylic ink.

Then, with the colors of the tinsel and Harvest in mind, I
headed for my photographs. I found a picture that I took last Fall of
nandina leaves on our deck –in my mind a perfect fit. I fussed over
whether it should be a soft, fuzzy print on watercolor paper, or a high quality
print. I settled for high quality on my favorite paper: Canon Matte
Photo Paper. Then I decided to make it pop a little with the copper
acrylic ink that I KNEW I was going to use somehow. Then I had to buy a
couple more colors and use them!. In the end, the whole thing needed a
bit of softening, gussying-up, and dimension, so I added a strand of peridot
chips on the bottom.
I’m hoping that the gardener Beth will like an
embellished photo
of nandinas in the Fall!
Nancy Strahle