Monday, August 26, 2013


A key to the lock of a journey ...

a journey of creativity?
a journey of adventure to where?
a journey of the heart, emotions, soul?
A journey.

Hugs, Marilynn


  1. Marilyn - I'm not sure I could have made your alter piece this month without this key. It was like I had a little piece of you inspiring my work all the way. I love it all! The sound is divine. The beads are some of my FLAVORITE colors! I wore it all day. And, it's so, so tied into what I'm going through... it is a journey. I did need a key to unlock several things. Thank you SO much!

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    This looks intriguing and very fun! Nancy

  3. Very pretty and I love the open ended possibilities - mental - spiritual - physical....

  4. You have no idea what a delight your little altar project brings to my heart.
    Well done Quilting Queen Coordinator I hope I get a chance to see the show in LaConner. And as my Uncle Bob said "Busy hands are Happy Hands." You must be delirious !;)
