Monday, August 26, 2013


I’m not sure what inspired me this month, after all the ideas and iterations that I went through!  Certainly, Gwen inspired me!  And there was that feather.  And then I found a TEENY scrap of 80 mesh brass screen from somewhere, but couldn’t find any more, so I had to go buy some more.  Luckily, I found it in a real brick and mortar store, so my ideas could progress. 

Originally, I was going to use a right-angle weave beaded heart in this month’s spot (a sweet little thing I’m still very fond of), but things evolved.  So I think what inspired me in the end was the process.  The process of evaluating my choices, listening to my aesthetic, and sensing the right and wrong and good and bad.  It was one tiny inspiration leading to another:  link, link, link.  One might ask, as my husband did, “What is it?”  I said, “It’s cute.”  Nothing more, just that I like it.

I added the little leaves because I liked the spark they provided and I had the opportunity to use them (link, link).  They are cut out of copper, primed with Daniel Smith watercolor ground, and colored with watercolor.  I used copper tabs on the back to fasten them. More experiments with color on metal; this one is fun.  Gwen gets some early play pieces! 

Nancy Strahle


  1. I'm intrigued to see this in-person. The photos give it an air of a rose tucked in an ice cream cone. I love your reply to your hubby. Ha! Thank you, Nancy. I love it when we get to experiment and just play!

  2. Very it. I like that you added process pictures and that you allowed the process to drive the outcome this time. Great job.

  3. Anonymous10:44 AM

    the texture of this piece is great, look forward to seeing it in person. hugs, M

  4. I love the process nearly as much as the outcome. Nancy you always approach your work in the most delightful way. I look forward to see what is on your radar screen each and every full moon,
