The Moon light streaming in my bedroom window was so bright I could actually read by it. What a joy it was to see her in full glory this month. The last 2 full moons were obscured by our infamous clouds and I barely glimpsed July's full moon.
It was a glorious sight to behold moonlight streaming through the ceders illuminating the trumpet vine turning it from the fiery red/ orange of day time to a silvery black bell shape. As I wandered into the yard I could hear slow steady movements echoing my steps. and the Zena warrior princess ( my cat) dashes out and shoots straight up the magnolia tree! Can you hear the trumpets in the distance heralding the mouse uprising? Yes Zena is there to careen among the branches canceling the the troop invasion..Saving the world again.
I found inspiration elusive this month and began and discarded many many times. as I listened to others online as well as around the area I heard the same thing echoing from many different sources. Was it the weather, the temperatures? the knowledge that summer was in her full glory and soon to be gone? was it
feeling the lazy hazy days of summer along with the extra chores that August brings?
I set aside my pondering and celebrated Lammas. Considered the first harvest celebrated by the peasants as first harvest. It is the time of year early August (the 2nd to be exact) when the first grains are harvested. Celebrated by a huge feast not unlike our present day thanksgiving. Bread is baked in decorative loaves for the feast and one loaf is broken up and given back to the earth as thanks.
It is also a time releasing of what was planted and dreamed for in early spring that just didn't flourish. This year the pumpkin and squash struggled as well as some of my flowers had passed prime and looked bedraggled. First off to be inspired by the Nursery. When ever I need a loft a trip to a nursery always buoys my spirit. Jackpot!!
I returned home clipped cut,pulled, composted and replanted. and gave thanks for my garden. I cleaned up potted, rearranged and crooned to my garden. I did the same to my studio considering, cleaning, rearranging and sending sending several bags to charity .
I was amazed at the inspirations pouring into my wee head. Taking the time to reflect and be thankful for the small everyday blessings and the beauty that surrounds me. Stopping the worries and stress for a moment helped me expand and renew my heart as well as my artsy fartsy view of the world.
I give you my thanks as well Fellow Little Altars Project Artists, you all have inspired and renewed my love of creating art and sharing all the fun.
What a lovely story. I can just imagine Zena. And it is so very true - when inspiration is lost, clean up and clear out. Thanks for the great reminder. :)