Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Moon #2 January 2014 FINSHED

Wrapping up the "Little Altars Project"
 New Moons signify a new beginning, time to start new projects, move forward like the seedling and bulbs stirring in our gardens. Unseen energy starting mother natures clock of gestation. A period of time in the dark growing and changing before emerging into the world to blossom and grow.

 I find it very fitting to have the pleasure of this second new moon to begin new projects after seeing many little Altars last Sunday at Lynn Vernon's welcoming home. Thank you so much Lynn

 We gathered those who were able, for a day of sharing, making art and sharing stories of the journey of the last year. A wonderful buffet of tasty tidbits greeted us with every accouterments coffee or tea has to offer. We started right away playing with acrylic paint and gelli plates creating sheet after sheet of glorious color on paper to be creative with another day.
 Lunch was then served white bean chicken chili with all the fixings. I got another wild hair and baked ginger cream fortune cookies. Ever try shoving tiny rolled up parchment paper in gooey cookie dough!?!?!?! and every one got  to chose four to  see what the next 30 days have to offer. That was great fun.

Then Drum roll please we spend time checking out each completed Little Altar Project

It was so fun to see the assembled Altars and admire the work in detail. Photos are a fun way to share but they do not capture all the tiny details that each artist created each month.
 Kimberly's pieces had such delicate wire work and vibrant color in her fused glass. The wire work could have been woven by spiders.
Nancy's delicate color choices and gentle nuances were breathtaking in person.
 Lynn Vernon's challenge for her self was working in unknown materials and her mastery of metal smithing was sublime.
 Cyn's creation of gnome homes was a spectacular year's journey into a village I would like to move into. Each tiny detail precise and playful at the same time
.Lou brought her always whimsical felt creations to a new place. She designs wonderful handbags and it was such a pleasure to see what direction she who take each Full Moon
 Marilynn who also works in fabric as well as created the most delightful glass beads brought a joyful piece each and every month. they all feel and express the celebration of life and joy in pure and glorious color.  Beth  joined in the fun with her delightful collage skills and combined color,found objects and words in an inspiring way to each artist.
Gwen brought us a new dimension of drawn art, wee creatures that want to jump off the altar spaces and play. I wanted them all.
  Kathy's work brought with them the winds of travel and the exotic delights of cultures from around the world. She set her sights high and created the most amazing things each month, the detail was incredible as I  finally got to see some of them in person last week.
 Lynn Hranac's work was delightful in many different mediums and included her collections from beach glass to zen-tangles rounding out with bead embroidery and felting.

 This was a challenging year for many of us and I heard over and over  how delightful it was to know a small package was coming in the mail. Something to look forward to each and every month. I have to say that is one of the reasons I started this project I love to open my mail box and find little treasures an unexpected card, postcards, a message from a friend...thinking of you.
So  now we are at the end and all of us own a Little Altars box to  display. Remember when life makes you weary go there and feel the fun and imagination from 10 women who created their hearts out for each other in 2013
 Blessings of Art


January Full Moon #9

These two spaces are the last of our alter pieces, however still working on Kathy's space.
Must say I am trying new things…will have it the first of the week. 

Hugs Marilynn

Sunday, January 19, 2014

January Full Moon # 8

Hello dear readers and fellow artists!

For the final full moon exchange I had myself.  Every time I looked at the two spaces all I could see was a little creature sitting & gazing at the stars or swinging or doing something, but always sitting between the two spaces as though it was one complete space.  So as I've learned, rather than fight the visions that you're seeing, trust them and go with them.

I've learned the best place to start, if your piece will involve sculpting, is to begin with the sculpture itself. The rest of the details will take care of themselves once the sculpture is done.

So I found the color liked. Blue seemed to suit the thoughtful posing I saw the character in. I curled his toes and helped him sit gently on the ledge.  The drippiness of this particular clay lent to him naturally turning his head as though he were listening to something. 

I tried out a few backgrounds to see how I'd like them. Then I sat back in my chair across the room to see what that gave as an effect to the whole tray as well as just that little area where he would be.  Unfortunately this first set of the backgrounds just didn't quite do the trick.

But he needed a little something more... He just felt so bare.  And he was beginning to feel more like he was part of the stars,  like a little being that had come down from the stars. So I gave him a crown of stars made from some star shaped sequins.

After basking in the warm glow of the oven I gave him a little paint. I thought having a background with lines as well as stars would be fun, having lines looking more like astrological symbols and charts. So I used up a piece that I had already folded into a box (marked with sharp lines) and fit it into the new spot's shape. The background is actually made from colored pencil and is very similar to the one I made for the pink moon several moon exchanges back.

Meet my star being.  He watches over and listens.  He is ready to offer any advice you might need. He encourages us to gaze upon the stars and listen for the answer.

Thank you all for a lovely experience. I have learned a great deal and enjoy getting artwork from each and everyone of you.  I feel like I've made large strides as an artist. It's because of the project that I feel confident in my sculpting skills again. Thank you Peg!! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

January Full Moon #7

My last 2 spaces were for me- so no problem on whether the person would like them!! But still the inspiration problem...Then I saw the gorgeous full moon on January 15th. It was the biggest, brightest, closest moon I had ever seen! I was in awe and knew I had to use a moon image for the top space. I had a fancy moon button I got in Portland and 3 little star beads for one side and then made a small accordion book filled with a special quote for the other side, held in place with a lock and key.
The other space reminds me of all the wonderful times I've had with friends and a cup of tea! I made the lace covered table out of a small box and the tea pot and cup are charms from the same fabulous shop in Portland. Wouldn't you just love to sit and have a cuppa?     Hugs, Beth

Just wanted to take a minute to say Thank You! to Peg for all the work putting together and running this Little Altars Project for us! I know it takes a lot of time, effort and thought to make something like this work-so THANK YOU PEG!!

The other side of this is all the great artists who participated and shared their ideas, thoughts and inspiration with each other. I learned a lot from reading the blogs and seeing the pictures and having a monthly exchange made me stretch myself as an artist too. I really enjoyed this time with all of you and wish you all a very creative 2014!    Hugs, Beth

I made this piece for my other F space. Marilynn Rich made the wonderful "Magic" pin on the left and gave me a blue piece of glass to make something of my own for the other side.
I had all these seperate  things in my silver stash and suddenly I had a Queen! I think she goes nicely with the idea of Magic, don't you?
Hugs, Beth

January Full MOON #6

Hello Ladies,

Having two spots this month presented me with a challenge because I wanted them to be different!!!!  As you all know, I have used this opportunity to try new mediums as well so wanted to end with at least one new skill at the end of the Altar Project.

I am very focused on my current need for a vacation in the sun!  This led me to the top spot which starts with a photograph of the amazing blue waters inside of a cave in Italy on the Island of Capri.  The water is so starkly beautiful and amazing given the limited light inside of the caves.  I have a stash of vintage jewelry parts and pieces and one of them is an adorable sterling silver fish that at one time was a brooch.  Now it swims amongst the plants and waters on the Island of Capri!  It’s whimsical and light hearted.

I have been very interested in using concrete in jewelry so I decided this was the month!  I chose sterling silver.  I corrugated the metal and used that as the bezel creating a shape that was pleasing to me  I wanted a textured and smooth finish so it has a brushed satin texture overall and the high points were brought to a high shine.  Life has both smooth and rough roads and this piece was going to have the same.  The concrete is usually a gray color but I wanted to add my own bit of sparkle so I incorporated opalescent pigments to the concrete in a purple tone to match the synthetic lab created dark amethyst.  The combination of concrete and a gemstone are so intriguing to me!  Hard and soft combined.  For the background I chose a photo of bougainvillea that I took in Amalfi, Italy.  The lighting doesn’t show the true colors of the pendant I think it is much prettier in person and hope you both agree.

Both pieces are rooted in the colors of summer which I long for right now.

Nancy, I hope you like your installations and am excited to present them to you in person on Sunday!  You will need to tape or glue your backgrounds down and tape or glue your little plant with swimming fish too.  The pendant can sit inside it’s spot until you are ready to wear it or gift it to someone, whatever you choose to do.

Many blessings ladies,


January Full MOON #5

This has been one of the most wonderful experiences I've ever, ever done; creating art, monthly for the calendar.  Thank you Peg for the invitation; it's been a challenge for sure, to not only make art for the assigned box, but also learning and using photo shop along the way while putting my best words forwards. Thank you!  

 For this final month, I took a piece of dark green leather from the local craft store and cute paper from a mailing of Peg's and chose them as my background and backside signature page. I then chose a piece from my glass fusing class from this past year and incased it inside a copper wire basket to hold the white, red & dicro glass fused piece.

Thinking of the space, I wanted to pay homage to the project and use a copper framed piece I could add the verbiage "Little Alters" to, and then coat with ice resin to complete my title. There are several products on the market for resin. Pretty cool!

I attached my piece with copper head pins and coiled the ends and tucked them flat.  I used several more copper head pins with seed beads to give it some height. Finally, I added the background paper with a little glue.

My little alters is heading towards Lynn Vernon.

Happy New Year to you all,

lazy K

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January Full Moon #4

  "The forest is covered in a glistening blanket of snow. It's quiet, oh so quiet as if all who live there have settled in for a long winter's nap. But there's much to do to ready the forest for spring with all it's glorious colors and abundance! Like Simon, while he may be kind of a shy soft spoken gnome that keeps to himself and builds companions out of snow he holds a very, very important position in Mother Nature's organization. He is in charge of bulb nurseries B1393 - B1399 located under and a smidge to the left of his home, which he can easily get to by a staircase behind a door to the right of his fireplace. Making sure they are well fed, kept cozy and comfortable. He is also charged with keeping them safe from nasty worms and bugs who like to nibble on napping blossoms. It's a constant battle for Simon convincing early bloomers to wait for the right moment to push up through the ground to be greeted by the sun. Of course there are always a stubborn few who must try, only to be greeted by the frozen ground. Simon often must stifle a giggle as not to hurt a wee blossom's feelings, they must stay strong and confident for they bring much joy and awakening to the forest. As the snow melts, the forest begins a wake and Simon watches as his wee charges bloom in glorious colors decorating the entire forest floor. While it's a bittersweet time, Simon is so very proud of another job well done. While his charges turn their faces to the sun and sway in the gentle breeze Simon hums a familiar lullaby for them as he sets up his easel to capture this treasured moment with his water colors as he does every spring."

What a grand adventure this year of the Little Altars guided by the changing moon has been. I have re-discovered my love of clay and explored a world I adore. Thank you all for joining this adventure, it's been a great ride. Thank you Peg for bringing us all together, for guiding us through the various moons, goodies and the gentle prod dings to keep things moving. Lucky are we of the Little Altars project.


January Full Moon #3

This Little Altars installment was difficult and easy at the same time.  Difficult because I was uninspired and quite distracted by other things (mostly by our new puppy).  Easy because all the thought I put into, it in very small increments over many days, seemed to generate its own inspiration and solutions, so that, in the end, things came together more quickly than I could have hoped  for!

Out of nowhere, I got a picture in my head of a funky crown for Kathy, and actually put it on paper.  I’m sure if I hadn't, the image would have been gone.  It seemed like it would be a good thing to make using the copper that I've been coloring with watercolors.  I wanted the two spots we were to fill to have some unity, so something with the same materials seemed to make sense.  And I had some scraps that seemed to be mountain shapes, so…….. we have a crown and some mountains floating in the wild blue yonder, with vintage nailheads being the gems on the crown.

Nancy Strahle

P.S. Picture attached of Kamy Strahle at 8 weeks.  He’s now 11 weeks!  Turning into a sweetie!

January Full Moon #2

January 2014 Altar Project
The Final Creation!

The year has whizzed by and it is hard to believe that this is the final piece to fit into our little altars!  To celebrate, I thought I would do something with flowers ….. but the question was what?  I had already done some felted and button flowers so it needed to be something different.  This project is going to Kimberly.

Then I got a beautiful postcard in the mail from a gallery in Bellevue and I loved the image.  It just had to be incorporated somehow.  The postcard looked like quilled paper and it was in a beautiful golden yellow color.  So the background it became!

Flowers need a vase…or a basket!  So using copper wire I made a ½ basket so it would sit flat in the space.  And with two spaces to fill I could allow the flowers to overlap and reach up into the top space.

The flowers are made with recycled paper that had a subtle texture and were similar to the color of the full moon …perfect!  So the paper was cut and then folded and the stems were made with copper wire so they would coordinate with the basket.   Voila!  A basket of flowers to celebrate our final episode!

It has been a pleasure working on this project…thank you to Peg for dreaming it up! And what fun it has been getting a package in the mail each month with something new to contemplate, celebrate and enjoy!

Thank you to all of you who have participated!!


January Full Moon 2014 #1

After the big rush at Holiday time and the beginning of winter it is finally time for Hal, Karl, Charlie, Monty, and even Oliver and Calvin to gather round and spend time resting and reinvention some new ways to create the magic. Time for a bit of contemplation and seeing what the cards have to say for future projects in the gnome kingdom. “Cyndinni the Great” will be spending a bit of time in the gnome homes doing her usual January consulted the cards for each member, clean up and organize the village for the coming year. Her favorite treat is ice cold lemonade and warm chocolate cookies.
She also brings fresh new art supplies as she is always on the lookout for the freshest colors and sparkle. She will be leaving her stash in the paint department and will give painting demos just before she heads out in her caravan for the next village just over the horizon.
Ta ta for now. See you in my dreams all you delightful old sometimes wacky (but always gentlemen and ladies) gnomes.
  Tiny paint brushes created with clay and toothpicks wired ferrules and dipped in paint.
 Found the wee bottle of glitter, created the tiny Tarot bag from fabric I created and added a seed bead edging. Bag may be untied to use the cards the retied for storage. Tiny lemonade pitcher and glasses found on one of my adventures just waiting for the right place to land.
Happy ending to a happy full moon

 Cheers Peg

January Full Moon 2014

Well well well, a year has passed and many full moons have passed by. one by one and sometimes one by two spaces were filled up on the Little Altars Project. This is our final project after taking a wee break for the December holidays.
It has been so interesting to see what caught each artist's eye through out this past year. And as always life threw us all a few unexpected curves and took us down much different roads that we imagined as the year  2013 began.

It has been a very thought provoking task to come up with ideas and ways to fill each small assigned spot. I took it as a way to experiment with many different new art supplies. I love art supplies and new pencils, watercolors, glue, paper, metal, wax resin or many many unnamed supplies really get my creative juices flowing. As well as became a springboard for future endeavors.

 I also really love getting mail and sending mail so it was great to know a little something special would be showing up in my mail box every month.
I also really like the fact that we did not gather for the entire year keep each artist focused on their own world and what was inspiring them.

 In other exchange art groups I noticed that many projects often took on  a sameness after each exchange time as well as the bitching factor that often occurs in a group. I have had  my lifetime supply filled to overflowing with complaining and am doing my best to squelch that as much as possible.
Everyone  in this project did amazing things and used materials in ways I would have never thought of. I am so proud to have spent the last year with all of you and have really enjoyed seeing glimpses of your personal lives along the way.

This life is a precious thing and I am so happy to have spent this wee bit of time with you the artist and you the reader. Thank you for sharing the Little Altars Project journey with me. As I check  my blog I as so surprised and excited to see that people have checked this out from all over the world. Yahoo!!!

Also it has been  a very interesting journey to timed this with the full Moon, what an experience that has been. I dn't know about you but it seemed to me that time whizzzzed by so fast. That old Moon just keep skidding up to full so fast some months it made my head spin. Time keeping my the natural cycles certainly gave me a different perspective on how short od time a year actually is and how much I waste by not paying attention to that practice.

So with out further ado. The final chapter of the Little Altars Project.
 Thanks for reading my blog