Thursday, January 16, 2014

January Full Moon #3

This Little Altars installment was difficult and easy at the same time.  Difficult because I was uninspired and quite distracted by other things (mostly by our new puppy).  Easy because all the thought I put into, it in very small increments over many days, seemed to generate its own inspiration and solutions, so that, in the end, things came together more quickly than I could have hoped  for!

Out of nowhere, I got a picture in my head of a funky crown for Kathy, and actually put it on paper.  I’m sure if I hadn't, the image would have been gone.  It seemed like it would be a good thing to make using the copper that I've been coloring with watercolors.  I wanted the two spots we were to fill to have some unity, so something with the same materials seemed to make sense.  And I had some scraps that seemed to be mountain shapes, so…….. we have a crown and some mountains floating in the wild blue yonder, with vintage nailheads being the gems on the crown.

Nancy Strahle

P.S. Picture attached of Kamy Strahle at 8 weeks.  He’s now 11 weeks!  Turning into a sweetie!


  1. Great colors Nancy each piece complements the other. Love the use of watercolors to enhance the copper metal, I'll have to try it. Kamy is adorable. Thanks for showing a picture of him. Happy New Year 2014

  2. A crown for Kathy! I'm sure she'll wear it well! And talk about cute overload!! Kamy is beyond adorable!!

  3. What a beautiful puppy! SO CUTE...that face would steal my attention too. Great altar project though and I enjoyed seeing it in person. Blessings
