Thursday, January 16, 2014

January Full Moon #4

  "The forest is covered in a glistening blanket of snow. It's quiet, oh so quiet as if all who live there have settled in for a long winter's nap. But there's much to do to ready the forest for spring with all it's glorious colors and abundance! Like Simon, while he may be kind of a shy soft spoken gnome that keeps to himself and builds companions out of snow he holds a very, very important position in Mother Nature's organization. He is in charge of bulb nurseries B1393 - B1399 located under and a smidge to the left of his home, which he can easily get to by a staircase behind a door to the right of his fireplace. Making sure they are well fed, kept cozy and comfortable. He is also charged with keeping them safe from nasty worms and bugs who like to nibble on napping blossoms. It's a constant battle for Simon convincing early bloomers to wait for the right moment to push up through the ground to be greeted by the sun. Of course there are always a stubborn few who must try, only to be greeted by the frozen ground. Simon often must stifle a giggle as not to hurt a wee blossom's feelings, they must stay strong and confident for they bring much joy and awakening to the forest. As the snow melts, the forest begins a wake and Simon watches as his wee charges bloom in glorious colors decorating the entire forest floor. While it's a bittersweet time, Simon is so very proud of another job well done. While his charges turn their faces to the sun and sway in the gentle breeze Simon hums a familiar lullaby for them as he sets up his easel to capture this treasured moment with his water colors as he does every spring."

What a grand adventure this year of the Little Altars guided by the changing moon has been. I have re-discovered my love of clay and explored a world I adore. Thank you all for joining this adventure, it's been a great ride. Thank you Peg for bringing us all together, for guiding us through the various moons, goodies and the gentle prod dings to keep things moving. Lucky are we of the Little Altars project.



  1. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Beautiful, Cyn! I love your stories and am going to miss them. They make me happy! Nancy

  2. Oh I love the snow covered land, but also pine for the bulbs to flower soon. Cyn really enjoyed your short stories that described each little alters installments. You make me want to play with polymer clay! Happy New Year 2014!

  3. Thank you one and all for your delightful and kind words through this year of Little Altars!! My hope is to continue bringing my wee world to life through clay and words. Thanks so much Peg for this opportunity and the kick in the butt so to speak back to polymer clay!! I hope you all continue to create, to play and to giggle!

  4. What an amazing artist you are. I have loved the pictures over the months and was even more impressed when I saw them in person. Such talent!
