Monday, January 28, 2013

More Wolf Moon Delights

Finally back to add some more wonderful  Little Altars Work.
 May I introduce Nancy Strahle

Dried orchid blossom, dried leaves, handmade magnet hooks with sterling wire
and buttons, fold forming experiment, copper leaf lei, ruby, branch from
morning walking, shell collected by friend in Mexico, press-formed and
colored experiment on copper, scrap found copper shape embellished with
riveted colored copper circles, all held on by magnets to a covered sheet of
steel.  I'm not sure this is QUITE finished, but it may be.  I reserve the
small option of adding.  And, by nature, each item can be rearranged!


  1. LOVE the idea of the steel behind so you could use magnets and have the option of moving things. So smart. Love the experiments and riveted forms.

  2. Anonymous3:48 PM

    What a clever idea to use a magnet background! I love how you can move and change things-I might have to borrow this idea because I have so many little rusty bits just waiting to be used! Beth
